Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

Canadian journalist Donna Laframboise. Former National Post & Toronto Star columnist, past vice president of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

Doctors Shout from the Rooftops About COVID Miracle Drug

Accomplished, experienced ICU doctors say Ivermectin can end the global pandemic. But health authorities don’t want to hear about it, and journalists won’t report it.

I have no medical training. So when the conversation turns to the best way of treating any disease, I’m out-of-my-depth. I know I’m not equipped to evaluate competing schools of thought.

Other journalists do have medical backgrounds. They specialize in covering medical discoveries. One would think that breakthroughs in how COVID-19 is being medically treated would have been a focus of their work over the past year. But everything is a bit strange these days. At the moment, what’s being called the biggest news story in the world is being ignored by reporters, medical and otherwise.

Enter Michael Capuzzo, and his wife Teresa. Both are experienced journalists who, since 2004, have published Mountain Home, a monthly magazine focusing on Pennsylvania. This month, the cover story is titled The Drug that Cracked Covid. It takes the better part of an hour to read, and is guaranteed to leave you wondering whether our collective IQ has dropped sharply.

In a short companion article, The Story of the Cover Story, Michael Capuzzo reports that the couple’s daughter recently received no medical treatment to speak of after contracting COVID in New York City. Take Tylenol and sleep it off. Only if patients become ill enough to require hospitalization do they become candidates for steroids that may help prevent their lungs from failing.

More than a year into this pandemic, Capuzzo says these steroids are the only effective, officially approved treatment for COVID-19 in the United States. This is the case even though a group of accomplished doctors has been shouting from the rooftops that an inexpensive, generic drug called Ivermectin is a COVID game changer.

The discoverers/inventors of Ivermectin were awarded half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Initially used to combat parasitic infections in animals, Ivermectin was later found to protect humans from debilitating diseases. In the words of the Nobel committee, “The consequences in terms of improved human health and reduced suffering are immeasurable.”

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ivermectin more than 20 years ago. After the Capuzzos told their daughter about it, a doctor prescribed it for her, and she recovered quickly.

Technically, this was an off-label prescription. It’s entirely normal for doctors to discover that a drug approved for problem X, also does a stellar job of treating problem Y. One fifth of prescriptions written in the US fall into this category.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is a small group of dedicated, widely published, highly respected American doctors who’ve spent their careers treating ICU patients. They now have boatloads of experience treating COVID, and have focused their energy on figuring out how to fight this disease with readily available medications. Closely monitoring the medical literature since the pandemic first erupted, they’ve watched the evidence accumulate.

Their conclusion: Ivermectin is a “solution to this crisis.” In the words of spokesperson Pierre Kory, this “is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact. And when I say ‘miracle’ I do not use that term lightly…that is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data.”

So why haven’t we heard about these amazing ICU doctors? Why isn’t Ivermectin being promoted by health agencies everywhere?

I’ll have more to say on this matter soon. In the meantime, please read The Story of the Cover Story and The Drug that Cracked Covid. Both are included in this downloadable, easy-to-share 15-page PDF.




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This entry was posted on May 31, 2021 by in ethical & philosophical, health, media and tagged , , .

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