Big Picture News, Informed Analysis

Canadian journalist Donna Laframboise. Former National Post & Toronto Star columnist, past vice president of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

The EU’s Immigration-Fueled Nightmare

A report outlines a dystopian future in which EU citizens find themselves outnumbered 7 to 1 by recent arrivals. This is cultural genocide.

2008 population vs the EU report’s alternate scenario. Click for full table (in PDF format); full report at Table appears on p. 112.

Back in 2010, consultants delivered a report to the European Union that shows us what would happen if significantly more immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers were welcomed into the EU from other parts of the world.

The short version: Disaster. Absolute cultural genocide.

These consultants were asked to do something entirely reasonable: explore how refugees might be transferred to other EU nations should some countries be overwhelmed by a large influx.

But the final document talks a great deal about quotas. It also talks about nations being bullied, via ‘peer pressure’ and ‘shaming’ into accepting their ‘fair share’ of the burden.

Using 2008 data, the consultants determined that EU countries had an average population density of 200 people per square kilometre. These consultants then examined an extreme, alternative scenario.

What if each country accepted a quota of newcomers that uniformly raised the population density to 1,000 people per square kilometre? What would that look like?

Data from this scenario appears in multiple places throughout the report. In every instance, the discussion takes place in a moral vacuum. There’s no acknowledgment that this is a wildly dystopian version of the future, that the result would be wholesale genocide.

According to Table 12, Denmark, with its 5 million people, would be transformed into a nation of 38 million. In other words: Danish culture would disappear. Outnumbered 7 to 1 in their own communities, as well as at the ballot box, Danes would lose control of their own destiny.

The story would be similar in most EU countries. The Czech Republic, rather than being home to 10 million people, would contain 69 million.

The population of Estonia would swell from 1 million to 44 million.

Finland would balloon from 5 to 333 million.

Ireland‘s 4 million citizens would find themselves a tiny minority in a country of 66 million.

44 million Spaniards would inhabit a country of 460 million.

Ditto for Sweden, where 9 million Swedes would have no hope of retaining their culture in a nation of 441 million.

I repeat: there isn’t even a whiff of a disclaimer here. Neither the consultants who produced this report nor the EU which distributes it online felt any need to say that this scenario isn’t morally acceptable. That it should never be pursued in the real world. That it would be a nightmare.

Wow. Just wow.


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  • According to Table 12, the population of the Netherlands wouldn’t quite double, that of Belgium would double, and the population of Malta would fall. But those countries are outliers. The bottom row of this table tells us that, overall, the EU swells from 1/2 billion to 4 billion. Current Europeans (including many immigrants from elsewhere who’ve integrated into European cultures) would find themselves outnumbered 7 to 1.
  • I never use the word ‘genocide’ lightly. I’ve employed it only twice before on this blog, with respect to Cambodia and Sudan, the last occasion being eight years ago.
  • Download the full report here. Table 12 appears on page 112.
  • A pdf of just Table 12 is here.
  • The report is backed up on here.
  • hat tip to Maurizio Morabito


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This entry was posted on January 9, 2019 by in ethical & philosophical and tagged , .

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